- <span id="docs-internal-guid-4cf00c1f-7fff-2488-60e2-7f2157e88e8a"><span style="font-size: 16pt; font-family: Arial; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">THE BEST CRMS:</span></span>
- <strong><strong>Customers want to be the main focus; they should feel important.</strong></strong>
- <span style="font-weight: 400;">Which CRM to Choose</span>

With the increasing cost and pressure on small businesses to make each dollar count, it is important to select the best business automation CRM solution for your company. And while it is overwhelming to research the best technology for your business, at Customerization we are confident that CRM by Zoho and Microsoft are the best automation platforms for small and medium businesses.
In this article, we will share the latest research on both CRM platforms, why working with a leading vendor matters, and why we represent multiple vendors but will always recommend finding the best one for you.
Nucleus’ Research on their CRM Technology Value Matrix 2022 published in April 2022.
CRM Technology Value Matrix 2022 Published: April 2022
- Zoho.
- SugarCRM.
- Oracle CX Cloud.
- Microsoft Dynamcs 365.
We were pleased to see both Zoho and MS Dynamics 365 in the Leaders’ Quadrant. CRM and business automation vendors have been focusing on customer usability features, including a highly intuitive user experience over functionality; Salesforce has not.
The lack of focus in updating what customers want has led to Salesforce not being included in the Leaders’ Quadrant. Nucleus’ Research latest report conclusion is that “…most organizations would be better served and achieve a higher ROI by choosing one of the other solutions in the market.
Sure enough, in any industry today, companies struggle because of fierce market competition. While in the past, an exceptional customer experience was enough, it is no longer a competitive business advantage by itself. User-oriented products, effective communication, and immediate support are now essential and a must-have for your business to succeed.
Customers want to be the main focus; they should feel important.
Starting with the first interaction with the brand and every detail onwards, customers expect to be heard, respected and satisfied. If your small business isn’t making your customers feel this way, then your business is already at risk. And that’s why an effective business automation solution must be a priority.
An SMB CRM system is software that helps businesses organize large volumes of data, manage their relationships with customers, and streamline sales and marketing processes. All in all, it’s must-have software that allows small and mid-sized companies to control their business workflows in a more efficient manner that enables business growth.
Which CRM to Choose
“we don’t make the software you select; we make the software you select work better for you.”
At Customerization, we say “we don’t make the software you select; we make the software you select work better for you.” That is why we are confident offering multiple CRM vendors to you because we understand that your business is unique, and we are experts in figuring out the best solution for you to reach your goals. And because of this, we proudly offer Zoho and MS Dynamics consulting & implementation services to our small and medium sized clients.
We have the experience and problem-solving skills to design and implement your entire project – guiding you along every step of the way, helping you make smart choices that empower your organization, mitigate risks, and ensure that you get your CRM and business automation solution working for you.
Technology plays a critical role in building a customer experience at every stage of the journey, from a prospect turning into a paying customer, to everyday operations and support, to a loyal client advocating for the brand.
That’s why you need a partner, a coach, a guide to make this tech investment turn into reality and turn the corner on the transition to a new, better way of doing business. >Underneath it all, we are technology professionals at heart. Our happiness comes from finding and setting up the best systems for your business.
We take an agile approach: listen, understand, solve, deploy, test and train. We offer a personalized approach to first understanding your goals and getting at the specifics of your requirements, and only when we are all happy with the designed solution and the outcome, will we call it done.
We are nimble experts that take pride and joy in making our customers very happy. Your success drives our success.
At Customerization, we can’t wait to get started on your success journey.